New Students
Secondary school can be difficult. As a student you need to manage your schedule, keep up with your extracurricular activities, and maintain good grades to keep the doors open for college or university. So what happens when one course brings down your average?
Pull Up Your Grade
Make the smart move and retake the course to improve your grade. You may have found the course material complicated or confusing, or maybe the teaching methods didn’t fit with your learning style. Whatever the reasons for your poor grade, now is your chance to make it right. Take the initiative and make the decision to learn in a dynamic online environment that is liberating and supportive.
Take a Make-up Course With Us
Register for any course with Canada eSchool to improve your grade and earn a credit towards your OSSD. We make the process quick and painless by giving you the time and flexibility you need to learn the material – your way. Our courses are strictly online allowing you to start anytime and finish when you’re ready. If you need extra help, you can contact your course teacher, participate in online discussions and communicate with other students around the world.
Make-up courses are available to students who have achieved a final mark greater than 35% in a course, and have attempted or completed it in the past 12 months.
To find out more about how to take a make-up a course through eSchool, contact us today.
Diverse Student Body
Canada eSchool welcomes students from Canada and around the world. Whether you are interested in taking a credit course that your home school isn’t offering, bringing up one of your marks for university, or travelling while you study – eSchool has a program for you. Select one of the links below for more information on becoming a student at eSchool.
Home Schooled
Mature Students
Military Families
Missing a Credit
Reach Ahead Students
Special Learning Needs
University Bound